Thursday, November 6, 2008

Greetings to the world

Welcome to Chelsea Men's Shed blog page. The purpose of the blog is to allow fellow Sheddies to raise issues for discussion, ask questions and seek help from each other.

Your blog managers are Colin, Programmes Co-ordinator, and Gary, Business Development, and they will call into the blog as regular as possible and provide any help and assistance.

All we ask is that all comments and suggestions are constructive. Respectful political incorrectnes is allowed from all genders however we ask that obscene, pornographic and scatalogical material is not contributed.

Colin & Gary


Anonymous said...

Well done guys, we are now up and running and hopefully we can get some fruitful discussion about men's issues going on the blog.

Mike Manning said...

Hi, I have a question about your blog do you think you could email me because I can't seem to find your address.
